
Connecting Employers With Military Veterans!

Leaders lead, they don't wait for the right time to lead. At DaVita, our culture and traditions grew organically. That was very intentional. DaVita’s culture shows our leadership team’s focus has been on creating a strong and positive, values-based organization where all levels of the organization have an emotional commitment to its success. The foundation was the Mission, Vision and Core Values. Let’s take the Core Values as an example. Many companies have core values, the difference is that at DaVita we truly live and breathe them each day. We evaluate Core Values when we recruit, as part of our performance reviews and the highest honor you can receive is a Core Value Award. A community produces what it honors most. As a leader, you would be that local example of our culture, Mission, Vision and Core Values to teammates. Are you the one to speak the dream and encourage others to buy-in? We are hiring for Healthcare Administrators and Regional Directors.