
Connecting Employers With Military Veterans!

Caliper, Inc. is committed to supporting and serving our customers, contractors and our internal organization. Our commitment to quality and customer service has established us as a preeminent service provider and leader in the industry. Caliper, Inc. has a nationwide recruiting, screening and client network that attracts personnel with the knowledge to meet your needs. In today's changing business environment, Caliper, Inc. understands that outsourcing services must be flexible and responsive. Caliper's outsourcing is done this way so our clients can focus entirely on what is important to them, company demands and goals.
Caliper, Inc. has more than three decades of experience implementing cost savings solutions.
We work with our clients to consolidate services and streamline processes. A partnership committed to mutual success, meeting goals and maintaining high-level performance. Recruiting, screening and hiring employees that cost less than permanent employees.

Caliper, Inc. has more than two decades of experience implementing cost savings solutions.

We work with our clients to consolidate services and streamline processes.

A partnership committed to mutual success, meeting goals and maintaining high-level performance.

Recruiting, screening and hiring employees that cost less than permanent employees.